Tuesday, April 10, 2012

who will you bless today?

This morning I received this text from one of my friends as I was soldering rings. It blessed me immensely just to know that someone was thinking about me and praying for me! Has that ever happened to you? Someone sends you a random email, message or text telling you that they're thinking about you? I don't think I've ever come across a person who doesn't appreciate a message like that. What a difference that short, small message can make in a persons day to know that someone is thinking of them at that moment.

So my challenge to you today is this: randomly send a "thinking about you" message to someone. I'll make the challenge a little harder and ask that you send it to someone you haven't talked to in a long time or someone who might be a "frenemy" (come on, we all have them). See how it blesses them, and you as well. I'd love to hear how the encounter turns out, so be sure to leave a comment describing the impact, even if it's just the impact it had on you!

{{editors note: I texted a friend who now lives in Florida that I haven't spoken to in too long...loving this challenge even for myself!!}}


  1. Oh my goodness. I love this post! Thank you for the positive challenge! I intend to email a 'few' people to bless them. Again, thank you!

  2. it is a definite challenge. Sometimes I even have to challenge myself to leave a comment for someone on facebook that I haven't talked to in a while. which is what I did-- a friend of mine I haven't talked to in about a year just posted that she is expecting baby #3 and I left a comment letting her know how excited I was for her blessing. I haven't heard back but I"m glad I fought through my pride and did it.

    1. Awesome, I'm so proud of you! Great job and thanks for sharing!

  3. I sent mine to someone that seems to think ill of me and I am not sure why. I pray that it might help. Thanks for the push.

    1. How incredibly brave of you. I pray that it was received well!

  4. I texted a friend that I haven't talked to in over a year and she called me tonight. We talked for about an hour and a half and it was so wonderful to catch up. She about cried when I told her that she came to my mind when I put out this challenge. Definitely led by the Spirit!


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