Monday, December 12, 2011

what we've been up to...

From Thanksgiving until now life has been a blur. My life these days has been a mix of running around being a mom and making jewelry at every available opportunity. This is my view on most days:

Thankfully this was taken on Friday, when hubby was off of work. He did everything extra that needed to be done that day: laundry, dropping off kids, playing with them, getting me Starbucks (all of the important things). I'm so thankful for him and his support of the business during this crazy time of the year.

But it hasn't been all work...we have made some time for other important things like...

decorating our ginormous tree

loving on some newborns at my MOPS table

making tissue paper flowers
(which got ruined in just a few hours...gotta love when my oldest 
wraps one around the dogs collar - her brother's - and the 
dog tears it up, resulting in tears from little brother)

and checking out the light show in the next neighborhood

I'm not going to lie, there have been tears and stress but I'm SO grateful that I was able to take the leap in June at become a WAHM. Because of this I've been working all day long, but I still have my evenings to relax with hubby and I'm home during the day for the kids needs, instead of working all day at my job and all night at jewelry. I'm so grateful for God's provision and faithfulness. 

Now that the Christmas deadline has passed and orders are getting out (even though they're still coming in, just not as many so I can breathe again)...I'm excited to start baking, crafting and working on the blog for next year. I'm still not sure of the direction of the blog for 2012. I want this to be a place where people will enjoy coming...learning new crafts, being inspired and learning a little bit about my life. If you have suggestions for the blog in 2012 - what you'd like to see/read, what you've enjoyed so far, etc - please let me know in a comment or email. I value all of you so much and want to make this an inspiring, life-giving, positive place to land. 

I don't know how much I'll be back before the end of the year, so have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. I just love the jewelry you made me a few weeks ago! Thank you so much for the giveaway and the craftsmanship that goes into the beautiful work you do!

  2. Amy! I sent my dad to your shop to buy stackable birthstone rings for my mom for Christmas and they just got here yesterday(we are doing Christmas here) and I had to pull them out and try them on!! OH MY GOSH!! I LOVE them, they are gorgeous! I know what's going on my wish list!

  3. nice blog!
    continue your fantastic job..

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