Yesterday the staff threw me the sweetest "retirement" party. It's so funny to think of retiring at the age of 31 but I'll take it. Hopefully the business continues to grow and I can stay "retired" from the working world (beyond working for myself).
At the party nearly all of the staff was there. They had a basket of some of my favorite things (gift cards to Qdoba, Starbucks, the movie theatre and for a massage!!) and then each one got to say one word that described me using all of the letters of the alphabet. Whatever letter you landed on you had to say something about me. It was funny and sweet at the same time.
I'm not too sure why I'm making this face at Amy Moore (above) but apparently something was funny. After some speeches and before we dug into the cake, the staff did the most important thing they could have done for me: prayed. I know that they will continue to pray for me as I go on this journey as a work-at-home-mom (and I hope you will too!). I am so blessed to have worked for most of my adult life at a place like White River and am excited to simply be a member of the church - serving and worshiping God.
To all of the WRCC staff reading this (I know at least a few of you are) - thank you so much for a great 9 years. You all have blessed me so much and encouraged me along the way. The words you spoke yesterday breathed life into me and I'm grateful to call you friends and family. To Tim Brock - you're the brother I never wanted, but I'm glad you were in my life. You've encouraged me more than you'll ever know. To Amy Moore - you'll do a fabulous job taking over where I've left off. It's no surprise to me that they've chosen you for this role. You are a godly, humble, trustworthy woman and will do wonderfully in this capacity. To my readers who have come alongside me for this journey and following my dream - thank you for the encouraging notes and prayer. I appreciate each one of you!

That pic of everyone gathered around you to say a prayer is one of the most beautiful and endearing things I have ever seen. What a great group of coworkers/pals!
ReplyDeletebest of luck to you! I just made the same decision 2 weeks ago after 22 years at my place of employment. going into the unknown is scary, but change can be so good, as well! so far I don't regret my decision (it is 80*, sunny, and I get to watch my daughter play EVERY softball game...).
ReplyDeleteCOngrats Amy! So exciting to stay home and work. I will be praying for you as well and I hope that you find so much joy in your new job...and only having one job. Can't wait to see what this new adventure brings you.
ReplyDeleteI truly am so excited for you! What a wonderful opportunity this is. It's so sweet that the staff gave you a going away party, and I love the picture of them praying over you! What a wonderful church family to be a part of. I hope you enjoy your first day "off" tomorrow :)