Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bracelets for Goats (another update)

There are only two days left for Bracelets for Goats - I'll be sending the check to CMF for the goats on Friday. So far we're at a total of 13 goats - can you guys help me get to at least 15, maybe even 20? If they give 5 per family, I'd love to help 3 families and maybe even 4 so that they can use the goats milk as well as the baby goats to make money for their family. (get yours here)

On a side note - our Kenya mission team is on their way back home. Please pray for them today as they travel and arrive back home tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait to hear more about their trip, so far it has sounded amazing. (I love this welcome video that the team made). Thank you for your support and prayers!
Don't forget about Bracelets for Goats!

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