Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Friendships have always been something I've struggled with. True, genuine, authentic friendships where you're not afraid to tell someone exactly how you feel or exactly the person that you are and they'll love you anyway. I have just two friends like this in my life and I cherish them deeply (love you ladies!!). I've struggled with this a lot this week and today our Big Prayer email for our church went out with the following devotion written by someone here at White River. I feel like it was written just for me today.

I Samuel 18:3, "Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul."

David may have killed a giant but King Saul almost killed him. In fact, if it wasn't for the King's son Jonathan, David may have not survived. Scripture says that Jonathan loved David as himself. We all need people out there that will look out for us. We all need people who will watch our backs. Pray that God will help the people in our church to build relationships like the one that David and Jonathan had, true friendships. Pray that you become the kind of friend that you hope to have.

May we all seek out true friendship today and I hope to remember that I need to be the friend I want to have. Whose back are you going to watch today?

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